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Fina points calculatorFINA
Your swim app you can take to every swim meet.

App available for Android, Iphone.
Also available on Gallery App Store.

How it Works
Point values are assigned every year. The charts have one set of points for Short Course and another for Long Course.
The FINA Point Scoring assigns point values to swimming performances, more points for world class performances typically 1000 or more and fewer points for slower performances.
We update world records every year, so the app is up to date. To update the tables all you need to have is active internet connection.
Key Features
Awesome Interface
Easy to use interface with a lot of flexibility
Free Updates
Fina points calculator is free and will remain free forever.
User Friendly
App supports multiple language options, such as English, German, Russian, Slovak, Polish.
Instant Support
Whenever you have problem with our app just let us know using the contact form on our website.
World records
Preview all the world records in the app for man and woman.
Dark mode
The dark mode is available for all users in the app. No more eye strain.

Frequent updates
We update our app frequently so you can always have the best user experience.
We care about our community and we are always trying to improve our app.
Quick Installation
Fina points calculator is available on the App Store and Google play store.
The app takes less than 15 MB of the space on your device.
Many countries require swimmers to meet certain amount of points to qualify for the Olympics. Fina points calculator helps you to calculate your points and see if you are eligible to qualify for certain swim meets.
Fina points calculator is completely free to use. You can use it as many times as you want with no limitations.
In that case we recommend uninstalling the app and installing it again. That should resolve all the issues. If the issue still persists please contact us via the contact form down bellow.
We currently don't accept any for of donations. If you would like to support creator you can do so by sharing this app with your friends and family or writing some nice review.
App available for Android, Iphone.
Also available on Gallery App Store.